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Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

The NCMA Code of Ethics establishes principles for members of the contract management profession. This code requires members of the contract management profession to conduct themselves in a way that brings credit to the profession.

Section One: Preamble

The Code of Ethics establishes principles for members of the contract management profession. This code is intended to create public trust and confidence in the integrity of the contract management process. All members of NCMA shall abide by the letter and spirit of this code.

Section Two: General Obligations

Integrity: Members fulfill their duties without deception or misleading practices. Members actively support and encourage others in adhering to this code.

Accountability: Members accept responsibility for their own conduct and performance.

Good Faith: Members conduct all business in good faith, make any required disclosures, and avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest (whether by reason of financial interest, family relationship, or any other circumstances).

Professionalism: Members educate themselves on all aspects of the contracting profession and apply this knowledge to the best of their ability to serve their employers, customers, clients, business partners, and the public. This includes sharing one’s knowledge and experience to contribute to the development of the profession. Members provide objective advice free from improper influence.

Confidentiality: Members protect confidential information concerning the business affairs of any present or former employer, governmental agency, business partner, or public body on which they serve.

Compliance with Laws: Members comply with all laws and regulations governing contract management activities within the jurisdictions in which they conduct business.

Trust: Members conduct themselves in a manner to establish and maintain trust and confidence in the integrity of the contract management process.

Respect: Members are respectful of others while performing their professional duties.

Section Three: Obligations to the Profession

Professional Reputation: Members do not make disparaging statements that could negatively affect the professional reputation of another contract management professional. Instead, members do their best to elevate the profession and the association.

Mutual Accountability: Members hold each other accountable for compliance with this code.

Professional Development: Members stay up-to-date on developments in the contract management field to maintain their knowledge, skill, and level of professional competence.

Advancement by Qualification: Members encourage hiring and promotion within the contract management profession based upon an individual’s professional qualifications.

Professional Qualifications and Certification: Members make only truthful claims concerning professional qualifications, certification status, or experience. Members use any professional certification or designation only in accordance with the practice and rules of NCMA or other certifying or granting body that granted the certification or designation.

Section Four Obligations to the Association

Service: To advance the contract management profession, members willingly serve the association in the chapter and national offices without compensation.

Violation: Members must report any suspected violations to an official of NCMA at either the chapter or national level, whichever is appropriate. Violations of the Code of Ethics are subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of NCMA up to, and including, revocation of membership and certification. Members shall not retaliate against anyone who raises a valid concern under this code.